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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

The Ascension of Chiron

There is an asteroid named after Chiron of Greek mythology. It has a 50.75-year orbit, which means the asteroid comes back to the place in the heavens where we are born (Chiron Return) when we are 50.75 years old. My Chiron Return is now. As a once in a lifetime event, I decided to work with this energy. The Chiron myth is one of heartache, pain, and perseverance. Although Chiron is often called the wounded healer, it is not a myth about healing. In my research into Chiron, I found many different myths emphasizing different aspects of his story, but none that talked about him as being healed. This did not inspire me to work with the Chiron energy. Yet, the astroid's Return beckoned. So, I looked inward to find the lessons that Chiron held for me.


Chiron Myth in Summary

The Titan Chronos taking the form of a horse impregnates Philyra a sea nymph. Chiron is born a centaur provoking disgust and shame in his mother who abandoned him. Apollo took him in, raised him, and educated him. Chiron proved to be a wise and gentle being, unlike most centaurs. He became a healer, mentor, and teacher. In an accident, he was struck by a poison arrow and lived in unending agony. In a deal brokered by Hercules, who had been the one who shot him, Chiron agreed to give up his immortality and serve in the place of Prometheus. Prometheus who for the sin of giving humans fire was chained to a rock and each day had liver eaten out by an eagle. Moved by this sacrifice, Zeus made Chiron a star.


I don't read Greek myths. I believe them to reflect all of the pain and heaviness of this civilization. I am breathing in the new civilization and am not interested in lessons from this one. Yet, the Chiron Return beckoned. I knew it held an important lesson for me. So I read on. At first, the Chiron myth was no different - the deep wound of abandonment, being unloved and suffering unending pain. The wounded healer rise above harsh circumstances to live a good life and serve others. That strikes me as limited. It feels like suffering through "it". It is a reflection of the limited beliefs of this civilization. However, there was one part that called out to me for more reflection. 'Zeus made Chiron a star.'. It was just one sentence but it held for me the truth of Chiron's story and the lesson of healing available to me.

For much of my life, healing meant mitigating the effects of trauma and pain. It meant being able to move on with life. And always having the scar of that pain to manage. In recent years, I have the knowing that this is no longer true. Full, complete healing of my wounds is available. As I searched inside for insights into that line, 'Zeus made Chiron a star', I found the answer. Ascension. Chiron did fully heal; he ascended. And ascension is now here for us all. The Earth is opening again to ascension energy and by accepting it into our beings, we are fully and completely healed.

This filled me with inspiration. I saw so clearly the true lesson of the Chiron myth is that through ascension, we can heal. On the day of my Chiron Return, I did a ritual to call ascension energy into my being to heal my core and persistent wounds for all time. As I write this, the effects of the ritual are just beginning to unfold. I will share more in a future post. I called in Master Chiron to be with me in this ritual. I asked for his teaching and mentorship. for using ascension energy to heal. He accepted. In gratitude, I made an offering to Master Chiron of adding to his story the truth that I found in it in my heart.


The Ascension of Chiron

And the walls around his heart melted. Chiron allowed himself for the first time to feel love, full, unconditional love, filled with gratitude and compassion. Filled with gratitude and compassion for the immense service that Prometheus performed for the Earth. From this place of pure love Chiron said “Yes”. “Yes, I will serve”. Chiron accepted with grace to be of service to his brother Prometheus and to the Earth. This surrendering to love opened his heart even more fully. Grace, through Zeus, opened a portal to the Earth. A portal to allow the ascension energy to flow down into Chiron. At that time the Earth’s chakras were shrouded with dark, heavy clouds and ascension energy could only flow through by the grace of a high-frequency being.

As the ascension energy flowed down from the heavens into Chiron’s being he was filled with joy. Joy dissolved the pain in his heart at being abandoned by his mother. And he forgave her and blessed her. The pain in his chest of being ostracized by humans, gods, and centaurs alike melted. And he forgave them and blessed them. The ascension energy flowed into the wound caused by the arrow and it healed completely. And he forgave the fates that allowed this wretched thing to happen and blessed them. The ascension energy flowed and he admitted the resentment he carried secretly in his heart. Resentment for his foster father Apollo and for the heroes he mentored like Hercules. In truth, he resented them because he was unable to be like them. The accession energy dissolved all the doubts, the feelings of unworthiness, and resentment. And he forgave himself and blessed himself.

The ascension energy poured into his being until he burst into light like the beginning of Creation. In that moment he was a star. A star in the heavens shining ascension energy down onto the Earth. He has been waiting and watching for the time that his experience could be shared. His gift is the knowledge that ascension light is the healer of all wounds and suffering. Now is the time for Chiron to share his knowledge. It is time to re-tell the story of Chiron so we may together remember that full, complete healing is available to us all when we allow the ascension energy into our being. With this opening to ascension energy on the Earth, Chiron has come near ready again to be mentor, teacher, healer. He calls to us with love and joy in his heart to serve us. Chiron calls to us to heal ourselves and stands as an example of how.


My heart is so grateful to Chiron for sharing his wisdom and experience with me. May I honor him by learning the true lesson in his story. The true lesson is to allow ascension energy into my heart to heal completely and to serve by shining that ascension light for others.

Blessed be.

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