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Calling in Dragon Directions

Calling in the Directions is a common practice in many Earth-based traditions.   It brings Elemental magick to any circle whether a group ritual or solitary.  There are many varied ways to call in the Directions, both simple and ornate.   If you are a beginner, I recommend starting with a simpler Call of the Directions.  Calling in Elemental Dragons is directed at practitioners who are already familiar with the elements and are drawn to Dragon Magick at this time.

East / Air

Air Dragon

Air Dragon flying in from the East.  Your massive wings sending in the breeze.  Vibrating in The Word with your unique cry.  Come join our circle.  As you come near, you bend your head down for me to offer a gentle kiss of appreciation on your gorgeous green snout.  We exchange a smile filled with Joy.


Welcome East


South / Fire

Fire Dragon blazing forth from the South.  Your whole body afire.  Radiating heat, action, desire into our circle.   As you come near, you bend your head down for me to offer a gentle kiss of appreciation on your spectacular orange and red snout.   We exchange a smile filled with Joy.


Welcome South

Fire Dragon.jpg
Water Dragon.jpg

West / Water

Water Dragon rising up from the West.  With a crown of skin encircling your head, you flap nursing drops of rain into our circle.    As you come near, you bend your head down for me to offer a gentle kiss of appreciation on your magnificent blue snout.   We exchange a smile filled with Joy.


Welcome West

Courtesy of ✿ ♥ on Pinterest

North / Land (Earth)

Land Dragon bellowing from the North.  Your great spine raises up into mountain peaks offering strength majesty and love to our circle.  Your gift is to raise us with your very being.  From underneath our feet, you raise your head up for me to offer a gentle kiss of appreciation on your beautiful cold, granite snout.  We exchange a smile filled with Joy.


Welcome North

Earth Dragon.jpeg
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