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Magick is the manifestation of intention.  It is the foundation of who you are being in the world.  It is also essential for a powerful ritual. When creating ritual, start with writing an intention.  A powerful intention is clear and clean.


A clear intention is one that is specific and concise.  A powerful intention focuses the mind and energies on a specific outcome. The more specific, the more focus.   Having a concise intention will help ensure you are concentrating the power. An intention that is too large or too broad will diffuse the energy and, therefore, the power of it. I recommend writing your intention. Writing it down will help clarify your thoughts.  


Your intention might go something like, “My intention is to release my (fear, anger, resentment..) around (a past trauma, an old relationship…)”.  Or “My intention is to charge (my new job, new relationship, new Tarot deck…) with (excitement, luck, love, divination powers...)”. You may also be doing a ritual to celebrate something, like the turning of the wheel of the year.   For example, an intention for Spring Equinox might be, “To honor this moment of balance between light and dark and prepare for the coming growth of spring.”


When your intention is clear, check for how clean it is.


The power of your intention statement is dependent on how clean it is.  This is where the spiritual and emotional work comes in. What makes an intention unclean or impure?  Any block you have to fully believing the intention will be manifest. Blocks are different than releasing energies or emotions that you are ready to let go of.  Blocks are generally not situational. They tend to be recurring themes or patterns of belief or behavior. There is a huge range of blocks but they usually sound something like the following.   


‘It’s not possible.  I’m not powerful enough to make that happen.  It’s not meant to happen. Something bad will happen if I do this.  I’m not worthy. I don’t deserve it. This is just selfish.’ And so on.


To fully cleanse your blocks takes a lot of years, but you can put them aside for your ritual magick.  Here is one suggestion for putting them aside. Make a list of possible blocks. Circle the one or up to three of the ones most relevant to this magick or ritual.  Get a rock and ask the rock to hold these energies for you while you do your ritual. Place the rock somewhere outside of the space that you will do your ritual. After you complete your ritual remember to release these energies from the rock and thank the rock.  Don’t forget to do this part. These blocks are yours to deal with at some point. It is better not to try and just leave them somewhere.  


Now it’s time to create a ritual that brings energy to that intention.

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