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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

Being a Stand for Freedom

I am a stand for freedom. By that I mean, I believe when people experience the freedom to shine the beauty and grace of their true divinity, we all get to experience life as beautiful and extraordinary. I stand for creating that freedom. I find these times exciting. That may sound strange, but we are on a threshold. We have the possibility of real, lasting and dramatic change to a world where freedom is available to everyone. There is also the possibility of nothing changing or even getting more restrictive. I ask myself and my Self, my Guides, Source, how do i participate in the change?

There is so much to be done. The list of causes and injustices is so vast. I find myself at times overwhelmed. In those times, I remind myself that first and foremost, I start with who I am being. Being Love, Divine Love. Being an energy for expansion and lightness. Being joy. These aren't just words to me. I know that who I am being matters more than my specific actions. I know it in the grocery store when I offer a smile and it is returned. We both walk on with just a bit more lightness. I know that it matters when a lighthearted laugh is shared with a colleague. Every moment that I am light in my being, adds to the lightness and freedom experienced on the planet. From that feeling of lightness in my own being, I know that real, lasting and dramatic change towards freedom is possible.

When I am my best Self, this lightness provides clarity of purpose. I act from that place of clarity. What calls to me from this place of clarity is local political awareness, self-education and speaking honestly about the possibility of freedom. I am a voice with local and state officials. I keep up with my City Council activities. When I reach out to my Councilor he knows my name because I'm on the frequent voter list. I have increased my learning about injustice and inequity, specifically systemic racism. I am deepening my knowledge of how wide and pervasive systemic racism is and my implicit part in it. I am a voice for freedom in conversation with colleagues, friends and family.

Uncertainty and doubt inevitably creeps in. Doubt says, "It's not enough. The problem is so big. I am not out protesting. I'm not writing my congress people enough. I am not doing enough. Never enough".' Then, I breathe and remind myself to BE. Be from a place of Divine Love and lightness. And meditate. My meditation practice centers me and it is the cornerstone for supporting being lightness. And, I go back to the words of my teachers. Michael Singer's words are particularly helpful in these times. When I feel overwhelmed and unworthy (two deep patterns for me), I remember to feel it fully and let it complete. As it passes, lightness returns and clarity from it and aligned action from there.

In these times of upheaval, i believe there is a possibility for extraordinary freedom and beauty to emerge. And I know the most important thing for me to do is to BE that.

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