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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

Can People Change?

Yes and no.  I believe people can transform into the highest version of themselves.  The path the soul takes in this incarnation has some set boundaries.  They are the boundaries that encompass the arch of our experience to live and learn.   I think astrology provides an excellent depiction of this.  If you are not familiar with astrology it’s OK, you’ll still be able to see what I mean from this example.   I was born with the Sun in Cancer.  Or more commonly, I’m a Cancer.  Cancer is a sign characterized by home and family, the foundation from which people go out into the world.   The highest vibration of Cancer creates a warm, loving, nurturing space for people to grow and experience freedom.  It is unconditional love and support.   In its lower vibration, Cancer is frightened for physical security and worries there won’t be enough love.  Low vibration Cancer tries to hang on too tightly to ensure safety and quelches freedom. 

I will always be a Cancer.   That will not change in this lifetime.   There will always be the possibility of me falling into acting from fear of not being safe or not having enough love.   What I can change is choosing to live into the high vibration of Cancer.  At my best, I  create a space that feels like a warm, happy, safe place to grow.  I create this space both in my literal home and whatever space is the home I’m in,  including the office and walking down the street. 

This example for me illustrates the power of transforming the frequency of my vibration. I don’t have to be someone else.  I just have to be the best I can be.   From this perspective, I can look at my shadow and ask, ‘what is the aspect underlying that pattern that would be a gift in a higher frequency?’  It also points to a deeper answer, ‘No, people don’t change.’ This perspective gives me access to know that I AM  pure consciousness, space, Divine in every cell and energy stream right now.  There is no need for me to change.   I just need to remember.  Remember who I AM and BE that. BE the gifts I was born into this lifetime to offer the world around me. 

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