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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

Dragon Magick

Dragons have been showing up for me lately.

  1. Birthday Card - My good friend sent me a birthday card with a dragon on the front. The dragon was standing next to a charred unicorn. With an embarrassed look, it says, "I'm so sorry. The hot flashes come on so suddenly." I just turned 50 and I know what that dragon is saying.

  2. Tarragon - I've been using a lot of tarragon lately. It's great with eggs, but my favorite is mixed with ground chicken or turkey for stuffed zucchini. While searching for new recipes to try I found that tarragon means dragon.

  3. Yagya Dragon - I had a Sai Maa birthday Yagya (sacred fire ceremony). In the fires, I saw dragons a-blazing.

Three times, time to pay attention.

A google search found a plethora of lore and symbolism on the meaning of dragons. It is in the cultural traditions from Asia to Celtic lands to Game of Thrones. This didn't give me any direction on how to work with dragon energy. 'Ask Tracy'. This thought came in without effort or emotion. That's usually an indication of spirit-guidance.

Tracy is one of my closest friends and the one most likely to know a book that would have just what I need. She also happens to be the friend who gave me the dragon hot flashes birthday card. While Tracy has erudite Gemini leanings, she is also grounded in the Shamanic traditions. She came back not with a book recommendation but with the suggestion, "... if you want to know about dragon, ask dragon." Oh Yes! I knew she would know.

As soon as I thought the request, dragon answered (energy moves fast around Maa). Answer: The Directions. Dragon holds a new learning for me around the energy and magick of the elements and the cardinal directions. Dragon holds the magick of each of the elements and in unity the magick of ether. Practicing with dragon I can master on a new, deeper level the magick of the elements. And so I begin to learn from them.


Flying dragon flapping wings in the air along the ley lines. Its unmistakable, otherworldly song heralding The Word in vibration.


Breathing fire!


Rising from the sea, bringing forth from the unknowable depths of the ocean power that can only be felt.

Land (Earth)

Dragon spine visible as majestic mountain ridges. Remember the ground beneath our feet is one large piece of land and can rise up to great heights like the powerful dragon.

Air, Fire, Water, Land

Each dragon it's own, and as one, it opens the portal to higher dimensions.

I bow at the feet of the Dragon and offer my gratitude that it has chosen me to be its student. May I learn powerful magick to bring light to the planet.

Blessed be.

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