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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

Describing God

Like the negative of a photograph, imagine that you can see a negative image of the cosmos. Look around.  What do you see?  A chair, a table, books, a computer, a phone.  Now, pull your gaze back from these things.   Try to see the air.   Look at the air that is everywhere and punctuating the air is material things.  Picture a night sky when the moon isn’t shining.  See all the beautiful stars.  Now pull back your gaze and look at the darkness, the space between the stars.   Look at the black as one big blanket that is punctuated with stars.   Take a few breaths and let the minds-eye adjust until it is natural to see that black blanket instead of the stars.   What would we call this black blanket?  Space, emptiness, dark energy, void?  Let’s call it space for now.   Extend that seeing of space to what is around you.   Material things at the atomic level are much more space than material.   Shift your minds-eye gaze to see the space in the atoms of your body and all the things around you.  Can you see the space punctuated by material?   Can you see space as one continuous thing punctuated by neutrons and stars alike?   What if that continuous space were A thing?  What would it be like?  Dimensionless, no small and large?  Timeless?  Full of energy that we can barely imagine? (See Nassim Haramein for amazing inspiration.) Would it have consciousness?  What would it feel like?  What would it be called?   God?

I call this continuous space God. God, Goddess, Oneness, One, Divine, Void, Pure Consciousness.   How do I feel Divine?   When I close my eyes and feel for the conscious space, Divine, I feel an incredible lightness.  A lightness and easiness in all of my being.  Lightness in my body, my breath, my thoughts.   It feels like there are no boundaries.   With eyes open, I can sometimes call on that feeling.  I can conjure that same sensation of Oneness of being.   These moments are infrequent like the stars punctuating the black blanket of space.   Most of the time, the image is flipped and what I see is the material, not conscious space.   In these times when I see the material, I can still feel Divine.  Emotions are the vehicle I use to conjure this sensation.  The emotions that take me closer are love, joy, peace, gratitude.   When I conjure and steep in love, joy, peace, and gratitude, my body is more relaxed.  There is lightness in my being.  It is not the same as that amazing feeling of Oneness, but it is close.   And I know that I am moving towards Oneness.

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