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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

Happy Solstice

The longest night is upon us and the wheel turns to bring back the light. This is when I celebrate the new year. The year-end at Samhain is followed by a pause or fallow time. Then comes the new year at Solstice. For the last seven years, my mom and I have hosted a Yule circle. Friends and family gather to honor the dark and celebrate the returning of the light. Each year, we meditate in the dark, planting a seed of intention. We light a candle for that intention charge it as we bring back the light (turn all the lights on, sign and dance).

This year my home is decorated with the same tree and same lights ready to celebrate. Yet my community is not gathering. At first, I thought I would not do a new year's ritual for Solstice. It just doesn't feel like the time to plant a seed or celebrate the new to come. Yet as solstice draws near, the new year feeling has begun to stir in me. Yes, there is a pandemic. Yes, life doesn't look the same. And yes, the earth continues to circle the sun. The wheel turns and the new unfolds.

In this extraordinary year, some things have halted like traveling, water cooler talk in the office, and the gathering of friends and family for Solstice circle. But there have been new things that have unfolded. Thanksgiving with my sister in Arizona (thank you Zoom), the peace of not commuting to the office, and this blog. Breathing in the stillness of this Solstice moment, I realize my reluctance to set an intention was not because it didn't feel like the right time. My reluctance was because I don't want to put limits on the unfolding. This year has been so unforeseen, unexpected, and remarkable. Most remarkable is the feeling that a major shift to light and lightness is possible.

So, my intention this new year is to be open to possibility. I will raise my vibration with gratitude, joy-filled smiles, and, yes, sadness and grief when needed. I will open to the remarkable possibility of what is to unfold. With curiosity and excitement, I await the continuing Creation. This is my intention and my prayer.

And though our circle is open, may it remain unbroken. Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.

Happy Solstice. Happy New Year.

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