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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

Relief and...

Yesterday when the call was made that Joe Biden was the President-elect and Kamala Harris was the Vice President-elect, I felt a wave of relief. The relief was far stronger than I had anticipated. Today I realized the relief was not because something was ending, but because there is an opening of possibility to a renewed path to freedom.

I am a stand for freedom. By that I mean, I believe when people experience the freedom to shine the beauty and grace of their true divinity, we all get to experience life as beautiful and extraordinary. I stand for creating that freedom. And I believe at its core that is what the United States of America stands for too.

So, the work begins or perhaps continues with renewed vigor. I re-commit to shining the light of love and compassion every day. I re-commit to supporting the growing light and lightness on the planet and in this country. I re-commit to fully embodying light in my own being.

I offer a blessing to all those on a path to embody light and love. May we heal together, grow together, and experience the freedom that is all of our birthrights.

Blessed be.

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