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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

Seeding the New Civilization

I AM a portal of light seeding the new civilization. The Earth and humanity are awakening, awakening to the remembrance of ourselves as Source, God, Consciousness, One. As more people awaken, a new civilization begins to form, a civilization based on unity rather than duality. My path, my journey is to serve in the creation of that new civilization.

My soul knows this path. My soul incarnated before Master Jesus to be one of the portals of light that opened the Earth for him. I am here again to prepare the way for the second coming, where all the humans of Earth embody Christ Consciousness. As I embrace my role, I am feeling into the energy of the new civilization. What is it to be? Can I imagine it in order to more effectively serve to seed it?

What am I imagining? What am I starting to feel as I enlighten? The possibility of unity of consciousness here in the third-dimensional world. A world where off/on, day/night, right/left, up/down are not seen as opposites, but as polarity. In opposition, this and that are at odds, fighting to win. It feeds the belief in a zero-sum world where one side wins and another loses. In polarity, we see the two sides both as one, both equally true. From that space of truth, life emerges freely, abundantly.

And what does that look like? A government not of debate and compromise, but of holding space for all ideas as good and true and allowing an entirely new path forward to emerge from there. A system of commerce where collaboration is how abundance flows. An education system that looks to bring to light every person's unique gift and purpose for being, rather than an ordered list from valedictorian down. What is possible for humanity to manifest into existence in that world. Or even more so, a world without a system of government, commerce, and education. A world I can not yet imagine. This idea opens my heart to the flood of Love.

Because my heart opens in fullness with these imaginings, I know it is my soul's duty. So, I ask my soul, my higher self, my Maa, "How do I serve?" The answer - be light, be love, see the world as One in all things. That is faster said than done. Yet, every day with more light and love in my being, I'm a little bit closer.

Blessed be.

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