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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

Uprooting Old Archetypes

In the separation civilization, Venus and Mars represent the feminine and masculine archetypes. The split of the qualities of the Divine into two distinct groupings. One is soft, gentle, beautiful, and full of love. The other is hard, aggressive, direct, and full of lust. In the unity civilization, these planets resonate the unity of the whole Divine. We have begun to see this shift with the growing fluidity of sex and gender. There is a growing fluidity of the qualities of Love in all forms on the physical plane. This week, the heavens gave us a boost for this transformation. Venus and Mars in the sky traveled together across Pluto. Pluto, the gatekeeper of the underworld and our solar system challenges us to uproot the old and make room for the new, like tiling soil. Pluto puts in front of our eyes what is rotting and asks us to clear it out. Venus and Mars standing together with Pluto provide us an opportunity to see our attachment to separateness. Pluto asks, "Does having Divine qualities split into feminine Venus and masculine Mars still serve?" It is an invitation for us to decide whether keeping these qualities separate still serves.

Today Venus and Mars came together once more at the very beginning of Aquarius. The sign that harkens to the coming unity civilization, The Age of Aquarius. From this point feeling the future in my being, I answer back to Pluto, "No. Keeping the Divine qualities separated into feminine/masculine, Venus/Mars no longer serves." Today, I begin to breathe into existence a new understanding of the energies of Venus and Mars. Today, I ask them to speak to me as qualities of wholeness. How do they resonate Beauty and Action from a place of Oneness, rather than a place of separation? How do I resonate Beauty and Action from a place of Oneness, rather than separation? How do I shine unique qualities of the Divine from this personality named Brenda and still be of One? As I write, I have no answers. Yet there is a feeling of quiet knowing underneath the surface. I breathe and allow the answers to unfold.

Blessed be.

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