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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

Writing New Rules

The times, they are a-changin'. Thank goodness! The world has been vastly out of balance for hundreds of years. The ever-increasing lopsided focus on driving, directing energy has left our planet in peril and so many of us physically and psychologically exhausted. I am also in the trap of always needing to be in directive action. One of my growing edges is to learn to rest, to receive, to allow Creation to unfold. I know in my bones that there is a new way of being that is possible. There is a growing balance between masculine and feminine Creation patterns. It is my intention to support that growing balance and new ways of being.

And it is daunting to think about all the things that need to change. The structures of work, education, government... All of the ways we relate in community need a re-write. It feels impossible. Where to begin? How can I make a difference? This weekend I received the gift of remembering to start with what I can change. What I can change right now with a shift in my perspective. I'm going to talk astrology for a moment, but it ties in.

The planet Mars was in Cancer when I was born. Traditionally in astrology, this is considered a "bad" placement. After all, this firey war planet doesn't want to be weighed down by the emotional, watery Cancer. I have experienced this "bad" placement in my life. I frequently experience inertia and lethargy. I have trouble getting up in the morning. I'm a snoozer. Once I sit down at the end of the day, I'm very unlikely to get back up to start something else. I can sit and watch YouTubes for hours. What could be a helpful moment to reset becomes a whole evening of zoning out. I've spent the last couple of years overcoming this "bad" placement. I know that there is a high vibration and a low vibration to every placement in an astrological chart. I just needed to use the higher vibration energy of Mars in Cancer.

I called on the loving, mature nature of a seasoned warrior, a high vibration of Mars in Cancer. A warrior ready to defend home and to talk through differences to avoid war. A Mars that can flow with a river. Sometimes, this energy would fill me. I would be of service at work to others from that place. Other times, I would fail. When the comfy chair and YouTube called to me, I was sure it was low vibration Mars. This would end in feeling guilty as I sat down anyway. I spent a lot of time trying to embody high vibration Mars. I've done a fair amount of "trying" on my journey. Like all growth from "trying", it had limited success. What I realized today was that I was still living by the old rules of astrology and the old rules of society.

I was listening to Astrology Hub's Cosmic Connection this weekend. Rick Levine reminded the audience that interpretations of astrology were created in the middle ages by monks and astrologers to the court. It was primarily used to forecast for royalty when to get married, when to go to war, and the like. What the royal courts wanted hundreds of years ago became what was "good" and "bad".

And it's time to change that. I believe in a world where being in balance between rest and action is "good". I believe in a world where connection to Divine Love is "good". I believe in a world that through that connection to Divine Love, pure love-filled action ensues. That is the true gift of Mars in Cancer. Mars in Cancer flows forth with Divine Love. I have experienced this Mars in Cancer too. Nine times out of ten, these blog posts flow out of me, when it's the right time. When Divine Action is the plan of the day, I wake before the alarm goes off and get right up.

Mars in Cancer is an awesome placement! It has the ability to help this planet come back into balance. This is my new rule. I will anchor that new rule into existence by seeing it, naming it, and appreciating it in me and in others. This weekend I accomplished several things, including writing this blog. I also rested. My partner and I lounged in bed this morning, laughing, talking, and filling our cups with joy. I didn't do all the things on my list. And I did what was to be done. I had balance. I embodied the new nature of Mars in Cancer. It was beautiful. My new rule is I will have balance in my weekends and I will do it with intention and joy. I will move from a place of pure, love-filled action as much as possible. I will embody the new Mars in Cancer and shine that light as a possibility for others.

Blessed be.

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