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Rock Maze

Pagan Mystic

Lessons from the Journey

Here are some key learnings from my journey to help you along yours.   It includes fundamental concepts and practices to deepen your learnings and aid your practice

Experience Level 

Each item is tagged with an experience level that ranges from Beginner to Intermediate.  There are no items as Advanced because I'm not there yet.   The levels listed are simply guidance.  You may find inspiration at any level.

Where You Are Is Perfect

Every Level

You are exactly where you are meant to be on your journey.   You are not late.  You are not behind. You have the experience of your whole life and all the lives before it to bring into your practice.   Where you are is perfect. 

Personal Power Incantation


Learning to believe in and trust our personal power is a long journey.  Practicing helps.  For many years I sad this incantation in preparation for each ritual   I still use it today when I fell the need to juice myself up. 

Gather strength, gather power

Imbued with the knowledge of the witching hour.


With heart, lungs, and eyes I see

All the connections and possibility


With the flow from the earth and from the sky

I intent the change in my mind's eye


In this world here and ethereally

I let it happen. So mote it be.


Advanced Beginner

Magick is the manifestation of intention.  It is the foundation of who you are being in the world.  It is also essential for a powerful ritual. When creating ritual, start with writing an intention.  A powerful intention is Clean and Clear

Natal Pentagrams 


I've been exploring the Divine Feminine Imprint on this incarnation through the pentagrams of my natal astrology chart.   There is a blog on some of the insights that I found.   Here are the instructions if you would like to try it out.  

Practice Makes Perfect


It's called practice for a reason.  Don't wait until you know exactly the path forward to start a practice.  The act of practicing will illuminate the path forward.  Whatever calls to you right now, Yoga, Mindful Meditation, Catholic Mass, or Wicca start practicing there.

Charging Spell

Advanced Beginner

This is a charging spell that I use for charging or embuing energy into something whether it is an object or an intention.  Modify it as fits your need.

Earth, Air, Water, Fire

We cast this spell for soul’s aspire


We charge thee by the Moon and Sun

To consummate the magick we’ve begun


Energies, Spirits, Devas all

We honor, thank you and heed your call


(optional specific stanza goes here as needed/desired, I recommend making it rhyme)


Connected to all that is and ever be

As we will it, so mote it BE.

Calling Dragon Directions 


Recently, I have been exploring the magick of Dragon and in particular Elemental Dragons.  Dragons hold the magick of all four elements and in unity Ether.   Here is The Call.

Balancing Meditation

Any Level

Here is a meditation that I've been using to balance my masculine and feminine energies.  It works with Pure Love white light.  It directs it into the aura layers and receives it into the chakras. 

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