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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Leahy

The Definition of Ascension

Ascension - A state of human evolution where our being vibrates at a high enough frequency to be consciously aware of our existence in the many dimensions of Creation, and have the mastery to manifest in all these dimensions at will, including a physical body.

Small wisps of ascension energy have been flirting with my being for a few years now. I'm not alone in this. The vibration of the planet and humanity is rising in frequency as Mother Gaia transforms and new energies from the cosmos come onto the planet. Ascension energy is growing on the planet too, calling us to evolve. Calling us to evolve our consciousness, our emotions, our energy fields, and our physical bodies.

I started to be aware of ascension energy as I developed a relationship with my Higher Self, the part of my being that resides in higher dimensions. In meditation, she came in the form of a priestess. I began to call her Ascended Priestess. This is her invocation:

I AM Ascended Priesetess

I live in the third dimension and the fifth dimension simultaneously

I am aligned with Love in thought, feeling, and action in every moment

I tend the Earth by expanding awareness to the true beauty and ease of Life.

The wisps of ascension have grown through courses and work with Sai Maa, in particular, the Magdalena Practioner Program. Last year during my Chiron return, I received deep lessons of ascension from Master Chiron. It is the expressed goal of my soul; the spiritual contract I've taken on in this incarnation. Not that I expect to achieve ascension in this incarnation. I commit to incarnating on this planet through to ascension and I will consciously walk in the path of that goal in this life experience.

Ascension has become part of my regular conversation with spiritual companions. Recently in a text exchange, a friend asked me how I define ascension. It stopped me cold as I realized I didn't know. I went to the computer to type a response and what flowed through my hands as a clear channel was this.

Ascension - A state of human evolution where our being vibrates at a high enough frequency to be consciously aware of our existence in the many dimensions of Creation, and have the mastery to manifest in all these dimensions at will, including a physical body.

What I mean by clear channel is this. I didn't think about these words. There were no thoughts at all. My fingers just typed. It was instant; it took exactly as long as it took to type the words. These were the exact words with no editing or revising. When I stopped typing and read the words for the first time, my mind began to process them at that point.

As my mind, and heart, began to process this definition, the mystifying quality of ascension dissolved from my being. It stopped being a complete mystery, something unknowable. While I do not understand fully ascension, by reading this definition it became knowable. The analogy that comes to mind is my understanding of lightning. While I have a vague notion that lightning is an electrical discharge, I don't have enough scientific knowledge to really know what lightning is. But I could. It isn't a complete mystery. It's knowable.

Reading the ascension definition the first time, suddenly there was a framework to begin to know it. It's just a stage of human evolution of our physical being and consciousness. Suddenly I knew that as consciousness evolves, ascension becomes known and attainable. There was an ease that expanded through my whole body and my whole being said, "Yes." Now, with a small bit more understanding, I recommit to the goal of ascension. And after that, I'll see what the new mystery is to evolve to.

Blessed be.

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